Impeccable Engagement

Impeccable Customer Service Tip #754

When meeting/engaging with clients, focus on being more interestED than interestING.




  1. Steve… I love your daily tip… This one is literally “one for the ages”… It look like the title of a NY Times Bestseller, or the lead in to a huge Seminar. I’m serious my friend… You MUST do something more with this one beyond today’s post. If I can help you in any way, know that I will.

  2. Wow, Myron. I wish I could take credit for the core message here. I believe I first heard it from Suzi Pomerantz when I interviewed her on “We Mean Business!” in 2009. In researching the core term today, it’s been credited to everyone from Jacqueline Novogratz to Jane Fonda. Not sure who said it first, but I agree with you — it’s “one for the ages.”

    It certainly IS a life skill. It can/should be applied to all relationships, both business and personal. And it applies to customer/client engagement as much as it applies anywhere else in life.

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