Impeccable Customer Service Tip #662
Your customers — and their needs — are evolving. What are you doing to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate their needs?
Engineering the Customer Experience
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #662
Your customers — and their needs — are evolving. What are you doing to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate their needs?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #661
“If you want your customers to love your business, one of the best ways to ensure that happens is to love them first.”
-Jennifer Dulski, President of
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #660
If you’re using a headshot (professional portrait) in print/digital that customers will see, choose one in which you’re smiling for goodness sake. (Unless, of course, you’re a prison guard or professional linebacker.)
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #659
“May I ask what this is regarding?”
No, actually you shouldn’t be asking this question in most instances. It feels intrusive and as if you’re screening the call (which — let’s face it — you are).
Instead, consider stating/asking (kindly, of course), “I’m glad to see whether she’s available … (pause) … By the way, was she expecting your call this morning?”
Instead of a yes or no, the caller will likely express what the call is regarding.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #658
You may know exactly what you’re there to do and be ready to immediately begin the process with that customer, but always remember to pause, begin with a friendly smile, eye contact, and a warm hello.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #657
To complete the digital customer engagement loop, be sure that all roads lead back to your main web site. It’s great to have a social media presence and an e-mail listserv, but always remember the focus of driving customers to your main “hub.”
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #656
“Customers do not expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.”
–Doug Porter, while SVP at British Airways
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #655
Before you consider interrupting your customer in order to offer a solution, just hear them out. You may discover that a) your knee-jerk solution wasn’t the best one, or; b) they just needed to vent and feel heard.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #654
Any time you’re considering a change in process, procedure, brand, culture, etc., the “Voice of the Customer” must be represented … preferably by an outside (unbiased) party.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #653
When a client chooses to return, after a hiatus with your competitor, welcome them back with open arms; never with an “I-told-you-so” reception.