Steve Interviewed … and in the News

 Steve Dorfman hosts “We Mean Business!” TV


Steve Dorfman is interviewed by Bestselling Author, Bob Burg

Steve interviewed by Tom Cooper of BrightHill Group (click below for audio):
Topic: When they think of you, do your customers say, “Wow, they’ve thought of everything!”?


Steve Dorfman Interviewed by Richa Badami — “Impeccability in Business and Life” are discussed

Steve moderated and spoke on an expert panel (“Fostering a Company-wide Approach to the Customer Experience”) at the 2013 Satmetrix Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference in Miami, FL

Dorfmans on OprahSteve Dorfman brought his family onto The Oprah Winfrey Show. By first helping his mother to create the vision for the life she wanted to be living, Steve encouraged and inspired not only his parents, but the producers of The Oprah Winfrey Show to intervene. The outcome was transformational, millions around the globe were inspired, and — according to Oprah — this 2007 two-parter became one of the most-asked-about shows in her 25 years of hosting it.


YPLGIn 2007 Steve Dorfman co-founded the 300-member Young Professionals Leadership Group. The mission of the YPLG is to share strategies for success.

Since 2001, Steve has volunteered his time for the Automotive Trades Foundation. Each year, Steve trains hundreds of Montgomery County High School Students before their big community car sales. The money generated from these sales in placed back into the foundation’s programs.
( Since 2008, Steve has also served on the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Support MCPS high school auto tech students’ education by DONATING YOUR VEHICLE to the Automotive Trades Foundation (non-profit). TAX DEDUCTION! Call 301-962-4810