Impeccable Customer Service Tip #632
“If customers are happy with their brand experiences, they are less likely to look elsewhere.”
-Orlando Wood
Engineering the Customer Experience
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #632
“If customers are happy with their brand experiences, they are less likely to look elsewhere.”
-Orlando Wood
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #631
When it comes to the customer experience, niceness is expected and therefore easily forgotten. Kindness — on the other hand — is remarkable and therefore memorable. Be kind. Always.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #630
If you’re not getting your fair share of repeat and referral business, there is probably something you could be doing (much) better in the customer experience that you’re currently delivering.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #629
Being known for delivering remarkable customer service helps you remain top of mind for your clients. Top-of-mind awareness translates into more repeat and referral business.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #628
Record and make available (company-wide) access to the phonetic spelling of each client’s name. Your clients are impressed when you can pronounce their name properly … even more impressed when everyone in the company is doing it.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #627
“It starts with respect. If you respect the customer as a human being, and truly honor their right to be treated fairly and honestly, everything else is much easier.”
-Doug Smith
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #626
Talk with your team and role play scenarios in which a customer conversation becomes adversarial. Everyone must set a standard together — and have the emotional maturity — to hit the brakes and reach for resolution in these situations.
Focus on the spirit of the law, not necessarily the “letter” of it. Remember THIS SCENE from “Meet the Parents?”
Delighted customers tell others. Satisfied customers tell no one. Which do you have?
Getting inspired with a personalized gift idea for your client might be easier than you think. Just visit them at their office and you’ll likely be surrounded by clues.