Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1532

Might your website contain typos, grammatical errors, and/or outdated info? All of these things can serve as first-impression killers and undermine your credibility for prospective customers and clients. It may be time to scour and clean up your site.

Impeccable Advantage

Customer Experience Tip #1531

Do you consider a ringing telephone an annoyance? So do your competitors. But if you’re the one who welcomes phone calls with a genuine smile and gratitude, your callers will sense it and you’ll have an immediate advantage over your competition.

Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1530

“We all experience problems with suppliers. Things go wrong – that’s just life. As a business, you have to learn to accept that. Of course, it’s how you deal with those problems which sets one business apart from another.” –

Impeccable Ease

Customer Experience Tip #1529

Don’t make your prospects and customers have to dig around to find your phone number. A ringing phone is often cash calling and/or an opportunity to WOW someone. Place your phone number prominently … everywhere (e.g. business cards, stationary, every page of your website, social media pages, handouts, etc.). And be sure to answer — with a smile — when it rings.

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1528

If you are in a service position, you want your headshot photo to “communicate” that you’re professional, open, and friendly. What does your current headshot photo say about you? (Don’t answer that … ask someone who will be honest with you.)

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1527

No matter how you deliver it, saying, “I know what I heard.” to a customer or client can land in a way that feels combative, rigid, and unfriendly. And you certainly want to welcome resolution while demonstrating humility. Jack Quarles, author of Expensive Sentences, recommends one of the following alternatives:

“Gosh I’m sure that’s what I heard, but maybe I was filtering somehow.”

“We experienced that clearly, but someone else may have taken it a different way.”

“This may be one of those situations where I’m sure I’m right, but I’m not. It’s happened before!”

Impeccable Awareness

Customer Experience Tip #1526

“One thing I love about customers is that they are divinely discontent. Their expectations are never static — they go up. It’s human nature.” —Jeff Bezos

Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1525

When someone is expressing disappointment with the service they’ve received, they are looking at — and sensing — your reactions. Are you concerned, disappointed, annoyed, frustrated, angry, empathetic, etc. And are you demonstrating any of these things for them (the customer) … or for your own team? Choose empathy … for the customer. That’s what is needed most in that moment.

Impeccable Expertise

Customer Experience Tip #1524

Your customer should not know more about your product or service than you. Be their expert, so you can be their guide.

Impeccable Response

Customer Experience Tip #1523

Your customer will feel anything but complete if you’ve only said, “I don’t know.” It cannot end there. While it’s OK to not know something, it’s not OK to leave it at that. Offer to find their answer, or at least offer to warmly guide them to someone who is likely to possess the answer.