Customer Experience Tip #1511
Service without a smile is missing one key ingredient. Can you guess what it is? #MakesALLtheDifference
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #1511
Service without a smile is missing one key ingredient. Can you guess what it is? #MakesALLtheDifference
Customer Experience Tip #1510
“In any field, there are people who ‘claim’ to be good and then there are those that are actually good. The same holds true for businesses. You might think that your business is delivering great experiences to customers, but are customers actually finding value in it?” –Jagannathan Muralidharan
Customer Experience Tip #1510
[SERVER] “Oh, you wanted cream with your coffee? You didn’t say that.”
[YOU, THINKING] “You didn’t ask; you didn’t assume I might and bring it along just in case.”
#CustomersDon’tGoToCustomerSchool #AnticipatingNeeds
Customer Experience Tip #1509
We cannot expect our teams to know exactly what a great customer experience looks or feels like because everyone has different ideas, concepts, and experiences of their own. We must continuously talk about it and share the success stories that bring to life what we’re looking to accomplish with consistency. This is an ongoing quest, not an order or policy.
Customer Experience Tip #1508
Here’s a clue that you have a rock-star employee. You’re not only constantly receiving compliments from customers about this person, but when you share those compliments with them they always say something like, “They were wonderful people to work with.” (referring to the customers). #TheWorldIsYourMirror
Customer Experience Tip #1507
If an employee doesn’t know something and expresses a desire to know, that’s great. Knowledge is power to care for your customers. If they don’t know and don’t care to know, they probably don’t care to grow … and you must be aware that that is affecting your customer experience. #GrowOrGo
Customer Experience Tip #1506
“Empathize with their frustration. It’s entirely possible that you think the patient’s problem is ridiculous. That the customer is asking for too much. That you’re going to be unable to solve the problem. Understood. But right now, the objective is de-escalation. That’s the problem that needs to be solved before the presented problem can be solved. Acknowledging that the person is disappointed, angry or frustrated, and confirming that your goal is to help with that feeling means that you’ve seen the person in front of you. “Ouch,” and “Oh no,” are two useful ways to respond to someone sharing their feelings.
One minute later, then, here’s what’s happened:
–Seth Godin
Customer Experience Tip #1505
If people aren’t getting along, demonstrating patience and understanding with one another, or simply being kind “backstage” at your organization, it’s likely to be felt by your customers when everyone is “onstage.” Happy employees tend to lead to happy customers. By investing in each other you’re also investing in the customer experience.
Customer Experience Tip #1504
You’re being compared. You might think that your prospects and customers are comparing you only to others in your industry; your competitors. It’s broader than that. Fact is they are comparing you to other humans who provide them with service. How do you believe you compare?
Customer Experience Tip #1503
The next time you ask a client, “How have you been?” or “How are you?” or “How’s it going?” ask it like you mean it with a genuine curiosity … rather than as a mechanical or habitual exchange. Better yet, get specific: “How’s your family?” or “Are you feeling better since we last spoke?” or “What’s new and exciting in your world?” or “What are you looking forward to this week?” or “How was your time away?”