Customer Experience Tip #1502
If you’re a manager/leader who’s not treating your customers kindly, then don’t be surprised when your employees … aren’t treating your customers kindly. They learned it by watching you!
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #1502
If you’re a manager/leader who’s not treating your customers kindly, then don’t be surprised when your employees … aren’t treating your customers kindly. They learned it by watching you!
Customer Experience Tip #1501
“Customer loyalty is created by the numerous micro experiences the Customer has with a brand. Employees need to focus on how they can provide a positive experience on EVERY interaction.” –John DiJulius
Customer Experience Tip #1500
When running a contest or promotion, keep it simple for participants. Don’t inadvertently undermine the spirit of its customer-centricity. Consider limiting yourself to no more than 3 rules. Avoid minimums, avoid legalese, and avoid promotions that insult existing customers by favoring only the new ones.
Customer Experience Tip #1499
If your prospects, customers, and clients didn’t agree to be placed on your e-mail listserv then it’s not OK to add them. Invite them, letting them know what’s in it for them. Let interested parties opt in willingly. Anyone else will be annoyed (at best) that you’ve begun e-mailing them without their consent.
Customer Experience Tip #1498
When you are face to face with a customer, client, or prospect, pay attention to the direction of your feet. Pointing your feet in the direction of the other party says (in a very subtle-yet-effective way) that you’re engaged and interested.
Customer Experience Tip #1497
Do your customers, clients, and prospects feel understood. There’s a real lack of understanding and the patience and active listening that’s required in the first place. Want to build rapport? Work to make people feel understood.
Customer Experience Tip #1496
“I don’t think service companies set out to deliver bad service. Many of them are really good at what they do, and are simply unaware that how they dress, communicate and act are all important parts of their service offerings.” –Michael F. Vandall
Customer Experience Tip #1495
Asking for referrals from clients after they’ve had the chance to see what you’re made of firsthand (those who’ve had a remarkable experience of their own) is fair and can be effective. Asking for referrals from a client (or prospect) who has not yet seen what you’re made of is inappropriate, ineffective, and typically viewed as a real turn-off.
Customer Experience Tip #1494
Try to avoid making blanket statements (written or verbal) that will leave your customers wondering if they are among those affected by a more exhaustive and/or longer process due to unique circumstances … or whether they are (hopefully) the exception. Instead, personalize your announcements and responses whenever possible.
Customer Experience Tip #1493
The best way to hide your customer frustrations is to not have them in the first place; let them go altogether. Such frustrations do not serve the customer, your coworkers … or you.