Customer Experience Tip #1452
You’ve probably noticed that online reviews are becoming more and more important. You might think that most WOWed customers would naturally feel compelled to write a positive online review for you/your company. Most people just aren’t hardwired that way. So most will not do it … until/unless they are asked.
The TEAS Method (Thank. Express. Ask. Send.)
Step 1. Thank
Step 2. Express impact (with appreciation/gratitude)
Step 3. Ask for a quick review, be specific about “quick,” and offer an out
Step 4. Send the direct link(s) to review you online
Step 1: Thank: “Wow, thank you so much for letting me know how we did for you! You’ve made my day.”
Step 2: Express impact: “As you might imagine, it’s why we do what we do, and there’s nothing more powerful than positive word-of-mouth … haven’t you found that to be true?”
Step 3: Ask: “You certainly wouldn’t be hurting my feelings if you said no to this, but would you be willing to write a quick 2- or 3-sentence review, about your experience, on ______________?” [Yelp, Google Reviews, Facebook, etc.]
Now, you may be thinking:
“Is it appropriate to ask a customer to go to the ‘hassle’ of sharing their experience online? After all, wasn’t it enough for them to just share it with me verbally?”
It’s important to recognize that you’ve earned the right to ask … for the very reason that compelled them to say something in the first place. Additionally, you’re respectfully giving them an opportunity to decline (which is the worst thing that could happen, by the way). Most will agree to help you.
Too often, it’s the negative experiences that compel people to share their feelings with others. Most people wouldn’t think of writing (or make the time to write) an online review — good or bad — but in my experience, most don’t mind being asked. Ask with confidence.
This is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to get a leg up on your competition. Prospects will see that you’ve earned a fair number of reviews while your competitors might have 2 or 3 … or none.