Impeccable Response

Customer Experience Tip #1432

How do you personally react to complaints? Do you tense up and become defensive? Know that the person making the complaint could have just walked away quietly and later shared their grievances with anyone willing to listen. Instead, they’ve given you a chance to listen, apologize, propose a solution, and thank them for having the courage to say something. They’re doing you a favor.

Impeccable Personalization

Customer Experience Tip #1431

Do you ever wonder what pet peeves your clients or prospects may have AS your client or prospect? Consider asking them. The more you know…

Impeccable Acknowledgment

Customer Experience Tip #1430

Do you receive client referrals? Do you always thank the referral source? Most people aren’t hardwired as “connectors.” Be sure you’re acknowledging the few who are.

Impeccable Candor

Customer Experience Tip #1429

Don’t force it. If you’re not the best fit for that prospective client, then say so. You owe it to them … and you owe it to yourself and your team.

Impeccable Differentiator

Customer Experience Tip #1428

“Here’s a sign I’ve never seen hanging in a corporate office, a mechanic’s garage or a politician’s headquarters:



We care more.


It’s easy to promise and difficult to do. But if you did it, it would work. More than any other skill or attitude, this is what keeps me (and people like me) coming back.” –Seth Godin

Impeccable Consistency

Customer Experience Tip #1427

What’s one thing you do from time to time within your process that you know impresses those customers? Why aren’t you doing it more often than just “from time to time?” Can you do it for ALL of your customers?

Impeccable Anticipation

Customer Experience Tip #1426

Having an FAQs web page is great but it’s not enough. Handing your client a printed FAQs page is great but it’s still not enough. Start a dialogue with your client and walked him through the process — including the questions that you often see arise — until they’re comfortable with it all.

Impeccable Awareness

Customer Experience Tip #1425

If you’ve been reading these daily tips for a while then it’s likely that your antennae are now raised regarding what you notice as a customer yourself. That is a powerful shift. You are a part of this “conversation” through heightened awareness. In order to get your whole team on board, you must invite them into this same conversation.

Impeccable Rapport

Customer Experience Tip #1424

Is your smile so genuine that it’s contagious? That kind of a smile has the power to cause your customers and clients to smile WITH you. And when everyone is smiling together, all is well; even shortcomings and mistakes are more likely to be forgiven and forgotten.

Impeccable Retention

Customer Experience Tip #1423

“It’s almost impossible to grow if you’re losing customers, and I don’t care if you’re selling one-time items like kitchen cabinets. It’s your job … to innovate and come up with ways to hold on to customers.” –Ingar Grev