Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1402

You can either be an expert excuse-maker OR you can own the problem. You can’t do both. Well you could, but consider how the customer will ultimately perceive you … as an excuse-maker (who took responsibility, but not without making an excuse).

Impeccable Appreciation

Customer Experience Tip #1401

Remember the “little” people as your business grows. In any successful business, it’s easy to appreciate the clients responsible for considerable amounts of business volume. It’s also easy to forget those clients who took a chance on you in those early days, many of whom are the folks exhibiting great loyalty, and also trust you with their referrals. So, as it turns out, they might not be so “little” after all. Express your appreciation of them — do it for them, do it for your team/culture, and do it for yourself.

Fall Back 2017

Fall Back

Remember to set your clocks back one hour, this Saturday night before bedtime.

This is the one where we GAIN an hour.


*Also, remember to:
– Install fresh batteries in smoke/gas detectors
– Turn and/or flip your mattresses
– Turn off your outdoor spigots (winterize)
– Reverse your ceiling fans (they should be running clockwise in the winter)

*As recommended by the product manufacturers

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1400

“[…customers] are also willing to invest their time when they believe doing so may improve the outcomes they experience.”

–Bob London, Chief Listening Officers

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1399

Your customer might not even open that e-mail — let alone read it — if the subject line isn’t both relevant and compelling. Spend a little time imagining what might compel that customer or prospect to read your message. You spend your business life in your own shoes. Jump into theirs for a moment.

Impeccable Alignment

Customer Experience Tip #1398

In all that you do, honor and live your brand promise; your slogan; your mission statement; your tagline; your core values …your word. It’s attractive and delightful to clients when you do. It’s terribly disappointing and off-putting when you don’t.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1397

Looking at your phone while with a client, or while a customer is approaching? Stop. Don’t do that. You’re never not on stage. That client or customer is the most important person in that moment and should be made to feel that way.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1396

As long as your mouth is moving, you’re not learning anything new about your prospect or customer. Ask thoughtful questions, really listen to their answers … then repeat. You’ll be learning (from them) how to personalize their experience while also demonstrating genuine curiosity followed by active listening. Most people are terrible at this.

Impeccable Reputation

Customer Experience Tip #1395

“If you’re not managing your online reputation, your unhappy customers will do it for you.”


Impeccable Advantage

Customer Experience Tip #1394

Let your amazing customer experience BE your competitive advantage. It’s one of very few things remaining in today’s marketplace that cannot be easily copied.