Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1343

When you’re interviewing a job candidate, who is doing most of the talking: you or them? If it’s you, then you’re doing it wrong. Ask open-ended questions and make it safe for job candidates to express themselves fully. Your main job is to listen. Do they have service in their DNA? Are they a fit for your culture? You won’t know for sure unless you allow them to speak.

Impeccable Mindset

Customer Experience Tip #1342

You and your team might believe you are selling a product or even a service. In most cases, you are actually selling an experience. How will that experience compel your customer to buy, return, and refer?

Impeccable Experience

Customer Experience Tip #1341

“What if providing a World Class Customer Experience created brand evangelists and generated referrals all while increasing your profits? A study conducted by American Express shows that 7 in 10 Americans say they were willing to spend more with companies they believe provide excellent customer service.” –John DiJulius, Bestselling Author

Impeccable Values

Customer Experience Tip #1340

Heard of “Selective listening?” We mustn’t exercise “Selective service.” In other words, if you’re going to commit to a culture of remarkable service experience, then this must be practiced internally (amongst team members) as much as it is externally (with customers). We shouldn’t be living two separate lives when it comes to service and the experience we’re creating for others – that is not a sustainable model.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1339

When’s the last time you picked up the phone and called a client to simply to say, “Hello” and check in on them? Imagine what it might do for your business (and their experience) if you made this sort of call to even as few as two customers per week. What have you got to lose?

Impeccable Guidance

Customer Experience Tip #1338

Instead of limiting yourself and your client with a myopic approach to solving their stated problem, inquire about their broader goals in order to understand the bigger picture. This might further tailor your expert guidance.

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1337

Most customer concerns can be voiced in minutes, require only an empathetic ear, and do not result in throwing money at the problem. Make it safe for your customers by being approachable and demonstrating care and the willingness to listen.

Impeccable Impact

Customer Experience Tip #1336

“Customer experience often falls to the lower-level customer service representatives, but the biggest impact can come when a manager steps in with a customer. It doesn’t take much time, but a manager who shows he or she cares about customers can make all the difference.”

–Blake Morgan, Forbes Contributor

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1335

According to research, less than 25% of customers complain when they have an issue. Consider that those who are brave and generous enough to complain are gifting you with their perceptions … and consider that those perceptions are likely shared by others (others who simply aren’t courageous or generous enough to share their feedback with you).

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1334

If a job candidate shows up late for the interview — especially without warning and ESPECIALLY without acknowledging their tardiness, there is a very good chance they don’t value punctuality. And if that’s the case, they are prone to being late for most things: client meetings, internal meetings, scheduled calls, their workday, etc.