Impeccable Thoughtfulness

Customer Experience Tip #1303

How much of what you are doing for your customers is reactive … rather than proactive. Consider the many golden opportunities that already exist to anticipate their needs and prove your expertise while also demonstrating partnership and thoughtfulness.

Impeccable Loyalty

Customer Experience Tip #1302

If you’re dangling carrots in front of would-be customers in hopes of earning their business, then what are you doing for existing customers to acknowledge their loyalty … and earn their referrals?

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1301

Check in with your customers CONSISTENTLY. Don’t be like that restaurant server who only engages, smiles, and checks in at tip time; when dropping off the bill. It’s the “courtship” that will set you apart and make you more memorable.

Impeccable Relevance

Customer Experience Tip #1300

“It’s the company’s responsibility to arm the salespeople with stuff that matters to the customer.”

–Bob London, Chief Listening Officers

Impeccable Clarity

Customer Experience Tip #1299

Your customers have expectations, some of which you’ve played a part in setting through promises made and others have been set by promises implied (and/or customer assumptions). For those customers, the magic is in the follow-through of what they are expecting. Be crystal clear and always honor your word.

Impeccable Design

Customer Experience Tip #1298

Your customers are experiencing a “Customer Journey” within your company’s process, regardless of whether you think of it that way. The question is: How intentional is yours? Is it by design … or are you winging it and hoping for the best?

Impeccable Follow-through

Customer Experience Tip #1297

It’s not enough to say, “I’ll call you back.” When committing to calling someone back, let them know by when you’ll be doing so. Then be sure to underpromise and overdeliver by getting back to them before your stated commitment time.

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1296

Gossiping about customers leaves you (and your cohorts) feeling disdain for those customers … unless of course the gossip is positive in nature. Keep gossip positive and you’ll be keeping your company’s culture positive.

Impeccable Value

Customer Experience Tip #1295

“The secret of delivering value to a client is in valuing the client.”

–David A. Fields

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1294

Looking to hire more A-players who consistently deliver a remarkable customer experience? Go to your current (and even your former) A-players and ask them who they can recommend. This should be your very first step for recruiting top talent.