Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1243

Few people will tell you they feel completely listened to in their lives. Active and engaged listening is a gift. Give that gift to your customers and clients and they’ll repay you with their loyalty.

Impeccable Approach

Customer Experience Tip #1242

“Biggest question: Isn’t it really ‘customer helping’ rather than customer service? And wouldn’t you deliver better service if you thought of it that way?”

–Jeffrey Gitomer

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1241

If strategy is your compass, then culture is your fuel. You can be lost yet remain safe if you have fuel. You cannot, however, be safe — even if headed in the right direction — without that fuel.

Impeccable Attitude

Customer Experience Tip #1240

It can be tough sometimes, especially when you’re dealing with a difficult customer, but exercise control of your emotions. Maintain your positive attitude. You’ll never regret having taken the high road.

Impeccable Differentiation

Customer Experience Tip #1239

Your prospects & customers aren’t just comparing the way you treat them to what they’ve experienced from your competition, they are comparing you to other humans … humans who either demonstrate care or do not.

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1238

While the tips you receive Monday through Thursday are written by me, every Friday your tip of the day is a customer- or employee-centric quote from another author, business leader, or the like. You might consider using a specific tip or quote to set the tone for a team meeting. There is typically more than enough substance in a couple of short (thoughtful & inspiring) sentences to foster a lively conversation among your team. Why not give it a try?

Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1237

“Eventually someone will be have a less than acceptable experience in their opinion. But another thing to learn is that listening and responding to feedback in a constructive manner can retain that potential future business and even encourage others to give you a chance.” –

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1236

Culture shift does not happen overnight and it can feel insurmountable. When I deliver keynote presentations and/or conduct workshops on customer/employee experience (CX/EX), the question I’m often asked by audience members far and wide is, “Where do we even begin?”

Culture is shaped through conversations. Start by making a commitment to keeping the CX/EX conversation alive. In fact, you might use these tips of the day as conversation starters. This would be an effective start for you and your team.

Spring Forward 2017

Spring Forward

Spring Forward

Remember to set your clocks FORWARD one hour, this Saturday night before bedtime.

*Also, remember that this is a great time to:

– Change ceiling fans to “summer mode” for cool circulation (counter-clockwise blade rotation)
– Replace the batteries in smoke/gas detectors
– Turn and/or flip your mattresses



*As recommended by the product manufacturers

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1235

Hiring for customer experience aptitude and culture fit are key! If you want a candidate to “be themselves” during an interview (and you should want that), then you must be willing to do the same while also working to make it “safe” for them to do so. Approach it as one human speaking with another.