Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1235

Hiring for customer experience aptitude and culture fit are key! If you want a candidate to “be themselves” during an interview (and you should want that), then you must be willing to do the same while also working to make it “safe” for them to do so. Approach it as one human speaking with another.

Impeccable Feedback

Customer Experience Tip #1234

When you receive a compliment from a customer/client — verbal or written — let them know how much it means … so much so that you’ll be sharing it with the rest of your team. Win/win/win.

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1233

If you’re wanting your team to become more aware of the importance of customer experience, you might ask them — even informally — to discuss their own experiences (when they are the customer). “What did you do over the weekend? When it comes to the customer experience, what did you notice? Will you be returning? Why/why not?”

Impeccable Differentiator

Customer Experience Tip #1232

“It’s very logical: There is proven ROI in doing whatever you can to turn your customers into advocates for your brand or business. The way to create advocates is to offer superior customer service.”

–Gary Vaynerchuk, The Thank You Economy

Impeccable Focus

Customer Experience Tip #1231

When you look at the specific comments your customers are making about their experience of working with you, whether good or bad, you’ll notice those comments will typically fall into one or more of the following 4 categories: Accuracy (attention to detail), availability (responsiveness), partnership (hand-holding/anticipating needs), or advice & learning (patiently and generously sharing your expertise). Focus on these four things, and you’ll likely meet or exceed the expectations of your customers.

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1230

Struggling to understand your customer’s e-mail messages? Or worse, are they struggling to understand you? Pick up the phone and have a conversation with that customer. You’ll find that you’re much more likely to get “on the same page,” save time … and save face.

Impeccable Balance

Customer Experience Tip #1229

Don’t go so hi-tech that you end up sacrificing hi-touch. Instead leverage hi-tech to promote and foster hi-touch.

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1228

Drive courteously. Not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because you never know when a client or prospect might be sharing the road with you. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing?!

Impeccable Intentions

Customer Experience Tip #1227

“When done right, self-service is a great option to offer customers. When done to merely cut costs, or when done with a poor understanding of the user, it’s mostly annoying.”

–Seth Godin

Impeccable Languaging

Customer Experience Tip #1226

Stop saying, “I’m just trying to help you.” If you feel compelled to say it, they cannot feel it. Besides, it sounds defensive (yes, even if you say it calmly). Defensiveness and helpfulness cannot live in the same space of an interaction. Instead, hear them out, demonstrate empathy, solve their problem, and thank them for bringing it to your attention.