Impeccable Hospitality

Customer Experience Tip #1224

When clients visit your office, remember to treat them like honored guests in your home by doing things and offering things that will surely make them feel welcomed; taken care of; as if you’ve thought of everything.

Impeccable Differentiator

Customer Experience Tip #1223

“Executives know that the customer experience has become a competitive differentiator. Making better investments, identifying and resolving problems earlier, and driving customer centricity all make sense for your business.” –Satmetrix

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1222

When there’s a lot of details to cover with a client, begin with a scheduled phone call or in-person meeting and then follow it up with an e-mail summary of what was discussed. This approach is sure to allow for the greatest level of understanding, while also providing a record of those details.

Impeccable Relationships

Customer Experience Tip #1221

Develop your own method for remembering people’s names (write them down on the spot if that’s what it takes) and sprinkle them into the conversation. People like hearing their own name. It’s a seemingly small detail that makes a real impact in favor of rapport. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1220

When interviewing a candidate — and attempting to measure for their customer service aptitude — you might ask, “Around coworkers or in groups, do you tend to be the first to say, ‘Good morning,’ or do you tend to let them say it first?” As you might imagine, extroversion is a necessary quality for anyone who is likely to encounter customers.

Impeccable Sharing

Customer Experience Tip #1219

In the realm of customer experience, is your organization literally award-winning? If so, be sure to share the great news (awards/accolades, etc.) with your customers and prospects — your prospects should know and your best customers need to know … so they can (continue to) cheer you on.

Impeccable Care

Customer Experience Tip #1218

“There is nothing more fundamental than engaging with your clients, prospects, and markets in a focused personal caring relationship.”

–Tom Gay

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1217

Looking to build a strong front line? Hire people whom you believe are “hard-wired” (preconditioned) to care about perfect strangers (e.g., your customers and clients).

Impeccable Transactions

Customer Experience Tip #1216

Examine your customers’ purchase process and determine whether you can remove any of the current steps. Really, take a look. When your customers are ready to give you their money, don’t make them jump through hoops (i.e., added – and perhaps unnecessary and/or outdated – steps).

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1215

Follow the adage, “Hire slow, fire fast,” especially as you focus on how one demonstrates genuine care for creating a great customer experience. One bad apple can disrupt the rest of your team and generate negative word of mouth, thus affecting your reputation as a product/service provider … and your reputation as an employer.