Customer Experience Tip #1204
“A smile is the only facial expression which is not easily misinterpreted.”
–Shaun Belding
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #1204
“A smile is the only facial expression which is not easily misinterpreted.”
–Shaun Belding
Customer Experience Tip #1203
That customer’s suggestion could be something that would only address an anomaly … or that customer might just be the first one to say something that you really need to hear. Either way, their suggestions are almost always worth at least a little consideration.
Customer Experience Tip #1202
When you receive unfavorable feedback on a customer survey, you may feel inclined to defend yourself. This almost never ends well. Don’t justify, explain, prove them wrong, or defend. Instead: Listen, apologize, solve, and thank. This approach is less likely to get you in trouble and demonstrates your maturity to that customer … thus leaving the door open for future business and referrals.
Customer Experience Tip #1201
Take a look at that old form or document you’ve been presenting to your customers for as long as you can remember. Is it still entirely relevant? Is it customer-centric? Is it even necessary? Be careful not to fall into the “…because we’ve always done it that way.” trap.
Customer Experience Tip #1200
“56% of global consumers say they have higher expectations for customer service now than they had just one year ago. This number jumps to 68% for 18 – 34-year-olds.”
–2016 Microsoft State of Global Customer Service Report
Customer Experience Tip #1199
Stop bragging about your successes to frustrated customers. They don’t care about your latest product or service, how many customers love you, and how busy you are as a result. They care about their own experience and frustrations in this moment. And right now they need you to listen (first, and with empathetic ears) and then help to make things right for them. This is not the time to brag.
Customer Experience Tip #1198
If your customers and clients wouldn’t recognize you in person after first having seen your online headshot (professional photo), then it’s probably time to update that photo with one that’s more current and/or less touched up … you know, the real you.
Customer Experience Tip #1197
When it comes to responding/reacting to unfavorable customer feedback, defensiveness drives them away and burns bridges while openness and taking responsibility leaves that door open for future opportunities. It’s better to be kind than to be right.
Customer Experience Tip #1196
“While self-service is on the rise, demand for human-assisted service continues to be strong, especially for more complex questions.”
–Anand Subramaniam, SVP Marketing at eGain Corporation
Customer Experience Tip #1195
Your customers need a quick and easy way to connect with you, especially when there’s an issue or challenge. Be accessible, be available, be open, patient and kind … and you’ll effectively be removing any perceived risk of doing business with you.