Impeccable Availability

Customer Experience Tip #1195

Your customers need a quick and easy way to connect with you, especially when there’s an issue or challenge. Be accessible, be available, be open, patient and kind … and you’ll effectively be removing any perceived risk of doing business with you.

Impeccable Sharing

Customer Experience Tip #1194

Sharing is caring. Before you dismiss that article, promotion, podcast … or brush that niche magazine aside, consider a customer or client for whom it might be relevant or interesting … and pass it along. Go ahead. People appreciate being thought of.

Impeccable Values

Customer Experience Tip #1193

Have you formalized your company’s values? If your written values do not include language addressing how you’d like your customers to be treated then you shouldn’t be surprised and can’t blame your staff for winging it.

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1192

Sometimes, that customer just needs you to lend an ear. You may be the only person in their life who demonstrates a genuine interest in what they have to share. There’s great power in being a great listener for people. Hear them out.

Impeccable Gratitude

Customer Experience Tip #1191

It’s nice that we use this time of year to express thanks to our customers. Let’s just be sure that this is our ongoing quest and not just a once-a-year thing, okay?

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1190

Online reviews continue to be relevant and important in establishing credibility with your prospects … and this is of growing importance. What are you doing to proactively invite your best customers to review you online?

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1189

Ask your clients, upfront, what method of communication they prefer and then do two things: 1) make sure that you and your team acknowledge and honor their request, and; 2) check back in with the client at a later date to see if perhaps their preference has changed.

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1188

“Listening is a hugely powerful form of attention. It’s presence. And if you are really listening, you are genuinely curious. And you are open to be surprised and changed by what comes back at you. So compassion is not necessarily about agreeing with somebody else. It’s not even necessarily about liking them. It is about making a choice to honor their humanity.”

–Excerpted from NPR’s TED Radio Hour interview with Krista Tippett

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1187

While it may be your tendency to think about that next appointment (that next customer), be sure that you are fully present and engaged for the client in front of you right now. In other words, “Love the one you’re with.” People can usually sense the moment you mentally disengage.

Impeccable Consistency

Customer Experience Tip #1186

Your customers want to know that they can count on you to deliver a consistent and predictable experience each and every time. Inconsistency is unsettling and causes many customers to never return … and certainly never refer others. What are you doing to ensure consistency in your customer experience?