Fall Back 2016


Fall Back

Remember to set your clocks back one hour, this Saturday night before bedtime.

This is the one where we GAIN an hour.


*Also, remember to:
– Change the batteries in smoke/gas detectors
– Turn and/or flip your mattresses
– Turn off your outdoor spigots (winterize)
– Reverse your ceiling fans (they should be running clockwise in the winter)

*As recommended by the product manufacturers

Impeccable Differentiator

Customer Experience Tip #1175

Want to know what really matters, what stands out, and specifically what it is about you that makes a memorable impact for your customers? It may be as simple as asking returning customers, “What’s the primary reason you chose to return to me and my company?”

Impeccable Gifting

Customer Experience Tip #1174

Ever send gifts to your clients? Client gifts should be about them and not about you and your company. Trust that – if it’s thoughtful enough, personalized, and maybe even delivered in a unique way – they will remember that it came from you … without you having to necessarily slap your logo on it.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1173

“Leading companies understand that they are in the customer-experience business, and they understand that how an organization delivers for customers is beginning to be as important as what it delivers.” –McKinsey & Company

Impeccable Guidance

Customer Experience Tip #1172

Set crystal clear expectations with your customers. Paint a specific picture of next steps along with the anticipated timeline. Then be sure to manage those expectations along the way (after all, they won’t remember it all the way you do). Surprises make customers anxious. Clear guidance, expectation-setting, and gentle reminders put them at ease.

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1171

Be sure that your e-mail “Display Name” (what appears in the “From” line of the recipient’s inbox) is descriptive enough that the recipient (the customer) will immediately recognize you as a safe sender. Otherwise, you’ll be competing – even more than usual – for their attention and have your message be at risk of avoidance or deletion.

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1170

Don’t make your customers repeat themselves. I repeat: Don’t make your customers repeat themselves. Listen well, take good notes, and share those notes with your team when it makes sense to do so (Hint: it often makes sense to do so.)

Impeccable Intention

Customer Experience Tip #1169

So, what’s the point of engineering your customer experience? Ultimately, it’s about doing your part to create happy customers. Why? Because those happy customers come back and — if you’re really thoughtful and deliberate about the experience — they might just refer their friends.

Impeccable Hiring

Customer Experience Tip #1168

“You can’t hire people and then engage them. You have to hire engaged people and MAINTAIN their motivation.”

–Michel Falcon

Impeccable Empathy

Customer Experience Tip #1167

When a customer comes to you with an emotionally-charged concern, you can NEVER meet them with indifference. Instead, follow these steps: Hear them out. Begin with an apology for their experience (regardless of fault). Solve their problem and thank them for bringing it to your attention. If you cannot let go of blame and execute on these simple steps, there’s a very good chance you’re not cut out to be on the front line.