Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1156

When you’re really late in responding to a customer’s message or request, refrain from saying, “Better late than never.” They’ll (hopefully) think this, but we’re not allowed to say it … it sounds too much like a justification or even an excuse. Instead, apologize for the delay and leave it at that.

Impeccable Surveys

Customer Experience Tip #1155

The number of questions being asked on your survey is in direct correlation to the type of participants you’ll attract. In other words, when you ask 1 or 2 questions, it’s entirely possible to encourage the majority to participate. Ask 20 or more questions instead, and you’ve just skewed your results because there’s a certain type of recipient who is willing to answer that many questions. Meanwhile you’ll leave – at least some – recipients feeling annoyed by your request. It’s generally better to ask the right questions of many, than to ask too many questions of far fewer.

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1154

It’s great to share individual and/or group photos of your team – it warms up and humanizes your brand. It’s not so great if those photos don’t convey a spirit of positivity and engagement. Take another look at your photo(s) and ask, “Would I feel compelled to do business with that person; that team?”

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1153

“Your customers will evaluate whether they can trust you based on your reliability, openness, competence and compassion.”

–Karen Mishra,

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1152

Are you trying to choose between calling or e-mailing that customer with a unique challenge? You can (and often should) do both. Make the call, help that customer resolve their issue, then follow it all up with a summary via e-mail. It’s not a big investment of time but your competitors aren’t willing to do this … which gives you the edge that your customers desire and appreciate.

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1151

Here are 4 signs that your recorded voicemail greeting might suck: 1) there’s no smile in your voice; 2) you didn’t record it from a landline; 3) you winged it; 4) you’re saying the same (obvious) things people were saying 30 years ago on their answering machines. (FULL ARTICLE HERE)

Impeccable Appreciation

Customer Experience Tip #1150

I want to give my business to good people who appreciate me, appreciate my loyalty (namely my repeat business and my generous referrals) … and they show that appreciation. Don’t you? YOUR customers want that same thing. Are you and your team doing enough to show your appreciation?

Impeccable Authenticity

Customer Experience Tip #1149

Your customers don’t ever want to experience “lip service” when it comes to customer experience. If you’re going to talk about your customer-centric focus as a company — in conversations, on your web site, in your tagline or slogan, etc. — you’d better be demonstrating this consistently enough as a team to be backing it up with your actions. Otherwise, it’s nothing more than a broken promise.

Impeccable Anticipation

Customer Experience Tip #1148

“VoC [Voice of the Customer] assessment has become part of consumer research methodology and is used to identify customer needs, trends, behaviors, and patterns. What’s important to remember is that VoC research is designed to address the customer experience BEFORE there is physical interaction with the product or brand.”

–Walter Good, PinPoint Research

Impeccable Empathy

Customer Experience Tip #1147

Customer empathy can be your team’s greatest differentiator. It requires the ability to: put yourself in their shoes; feel their pain; see what they see; demonstrate how well you know them and can sense their unique perspective.