Impeccable Professionalism

Customer Experience Tip #1116

Be sure that when you show up to a client meeting you’ve removed your sunglasses from the top of your head and your Bluetooth earpiece from your ear. This isn’t a day at the beach or a casual lunch with a friend, it’s a client meeting and you should look the part.

Impeccable Social Proof

Customer Experience Tip #1115

Before too long, nearly all of your competitors will be *routinely* asking their customers to review them online. Before we get to that point, you have an opportunity to become #1 in your niche. Better act fast.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1114

“The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.”

–Derek Sivers, CD Baby

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1113

Want to stay top of mind with your customers and prospects in this noisy world? Offer them a subscription to useful tips that you’re willing to provide daily or even weekly; quick nuggets of wisdom that are frequent, valuable, shareable, and easily digestible. This way, you’re sure to remain on their radar.

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1112

When you’re the customer and you receive an e-mail with the subject line, “Following up,” or “Touching base,” think about how excited you are to open that e-mail … not so much. Not so compelling, is it? Don’t do that to your customers and prospects. Today, more than ever before, your e-mail subject lines must be compelling.

Impeccable Trust

Customer Experience Tip #1111

When you mistrust your customers, you’re creating an “Us vs. Them” environment with policies and behaviors that follow closely behind — none of which are customer centric. Trust begets trust.

Impeccable Approach

Customer Experience Tip #1110

If the way in which you regularly treat your customers and clients wouldn’t make your mom and dad proud of you, then it’s time to make some serious changes to your approach.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1109

“[You can use customer service] to create a significant competitive advantage by engaging with customers in a way that others can’t or won’t.”

–Seth Godin, Bestselling Author

Impeccable Rapport

Customer Experience Tip #1108

What do your customers really want? They want to feel smart, important, and valued. Explore various ways to leave them feeling this way and you’ll be working to create the rapport and loyalty you seek.

Impeccable Gifting

Customer Experience Tip #1107

Find out what your favorite customers are into (hobbies, teams, favorite destinations, special affiliations, etc.) and design your gift giving around that.