Customer Experience Tip #1096
If you expect customer service excellence from your team, then you must be willing to provide them with the right tools for that job.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #1096
If you expect customer service excellence from your team, then you must be willing to provide them with the right tools for that job.
Customer Experience Tip #1095
“At Disney, we have seen that the power of service lies in its ability to create an emotional connection rather than a purely rational connection – and emotional connections lead to economic outcomes.”
–Disney Institute
Customer Experience Tip #1094
You mustn’t avoid social media. You must embrace it as another channel for customer engagement.
Customer Experience Tip #1093
Not sure how that customer is now feeling since your last interaction? When in doubt, pick up the phone and check in. Don’t e-mail. Call.
Customer Experience Tip #1092
You can be super smart and very technically skilled, but if your soft skills are lacking you won’t see the repeat and referral business that you probably feel you deserve. In other words, as John Maxwell puts it, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much care.”
Customer Experience Tip #1091
“Stellar service should be non-negotiable and merchants shouldn’t hide behind self-service tools and technology when it comes to knowing their products and taking care of their customers.”
–Lauren Freedman, President of the E-Tailing Group
Customer Experience Tip #1090
Can your customers count on you? If they believe they can — with consistency — you’ll earn their loyalty and trust because it’s more rare than you might think.
Customer Experience Tip #1089
When you witness a team member WOWing a customer, acknowledge that person. The more we notice and embrace this type of behavior, the more we’ll make it top of mind and common practice for all.
Customer Experience Tip #1088
Did you know that happy customers make for happy employees. So, why not go make some customers happy!?
Customer Experience Tip #1087
Does everyone on the team understand why your focus is upon the customer experience? Everyone doesn’t see the world exactly as you. Perhaps it’s time to share your lens.