Impeccable Actions

Customer Experience Tip #1631

It’s not enough to say, “We’re committed to great service.” Everyone says that. Your actions must demonstrate a genuine desire to serve others, delivering on the details, and leaving people feeling completely taken care of. When you’re doing it with consistency, you’ll find there’s no need to say it.

Impeccable Commitment

Customer Experience Tip #1630

“This is more than just increasing the budget for Customer service. Someone must be in charge of the project—a Chief eXperience Officer (CXO), who is dedicated and loses sleep at night over the Customer experience program and the results. People must be able to tell that the leadership of the company is truly committed and passionate about the Customer experience.” –John DiJulius, Bestselling Author

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1629

When you’re angry and want to type out an e-mail in that emotional state, follow these steps: 1) Do NOT put anyone’s name in the “To” line; 2) Ask yourself, “Am I reacting … or responding?”; 3) Finish the e-mail and print it out; 4) Read the printed e-mail later that day/the next day; 5) DELETE the e-mail … c’mon, take the high road. #JustDontDoIt

Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1628

When you’re late for a client meeting, don’t explain, justify, make excuses … and certainly don’t complain about the “thing” that may have been responsible for “making” you late. Instead, simply apologize. Own it. Apologize sincerely. Then move on.

Impeccable Scheduling

Customer Experience Tip #1627

To make it easy for your customers, clients, and prospects to schedule a meeting with you, don’t leave it wide open … instead, offer choices. You can do this conversationally, via bulleted options within an email message, or by using a third-party tool like Calendly or Doodle.

Impeccable Telephoning

Customer Experience Tip #1626

It’s imperative that you make it easy for people to return your call. There are 3 fundamental rules when leaving your name and number on someone’s voicemail: 1) speak slowly; 2) speak clearly; 3) repeat your name and number (slowly and clearly) once more.

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1625

 “Setting customer expectations at a level that is aligned with consistently deliverable levels of customer service requires that your whole staff, from product development to marketing, works in harmony with your brand image.” –Richard Branson

Impeccable Culture

Customer Experience Tip #1624

Keeping the wrong people on board isn’t fair to the right people. #CXAptitude #IntentionalCustomerCulture

Impeccable Marketing

Customer Experience Tip #1623

If you believe that your customers will automatically remember you (and subsequently return for your products/services and refer others) because you did a great job for them initially, you could end up being disappointed. You must still do your part to keep your name and face in front of them. #WhatHaveYouDoneForThemLately #BeMemorable #PeopleForget #GetCreative #MustCompeteForTheirAttention

Impeccable Distinction

Customer Experience Tip #1622

A focus on customer service indicates a reactive culture, a focus on customer EXPERIENCE indicates a PROactive one.