Customer Experience Tip #957
Inconsistency is unsettling … at best. Be sure that your customer experience is consistent. This includes every interaction they might have with you and your firm.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #957
Inconsistency is unsettling … at best. Be sure that your customer experience is consistent. This includes every interaction they might have with you and your firm.
Customer Experience Tip #956
“To find answers for their problems, people turn to the internet. You should have the answers ready for your customer’s inevitable search, presented in language they can understand.” –Mat Rider, Global Director of Digital and Social Media, MongoDB
Customer Experience Tip #955
Your customers don’t know how to be easy customers because they’ve never attended customer school. Prepare them, educate them in a kind way, and anticipate their needs. They’ll appreciate you for the hand-holding and you’ll appreciate having made the investment.
Customer Experience Tip #954
When customers and prospects are engaging with you over e-mail, you’re going to have to work extra hard on having them feel your kindness on their end. After all, you don’t have the luxury of communicating with your body language and voice tone. Instead, it’s just text on a screen.
Customer Experience Tip #953
It’s nearly 2016. If your web site isn’t optimized for mobile-friendliness, you are likely losing customers to the sites that are.
Customer Experience Tip #952
It’s time to make that client call. You know, the one you’ve been putting off. The actual conversation rarely has the same level of discomfort/awkwardness of that story you’d created in your head.
Customer Experience Tip #951
“You can’t think of a consumer as just one person – that person may talk to 10 others in the face of a bad experience. How often do you look up the reviews of a restaurant before going out? Are you influenced by what the reviewers say, even if you don’t know them?” –Carlos Dominguez, President and COO, Sprinklr
Customer Experience Tip #950
Instead of leaving your customers and employees wondering, implement and adhere to a weather-related early-warning closing schedule that is easy to find (via web/phone/text) and easy to understand.
Customer Experience Tip #949
When a process takes less time than your customer was expecting, their overall satisfaction with your firm goes up. One more compelling reason to under-promise and over-deliver.
Customer Experience Tip #948
We all have “customers.” If you do not have external customers in the traditional sense (people who purchase your products/services), you are likely serving other individuals or departments inside your firm. The individuals you are serving can and should be thought of as your customers.