Impeccable Humility

Customer Experience Tip #1621

If you’re going to take credit for your happy and WOWed customers, you must also take responsibility for the ones who are walking away feeling disappointed or defeated. You can learn something from both ends of the spectrum.

Impeccable Recovery

Customer Experience Tip #1620

“Four roads we call customer service:

Road 1: I can learn from you and make things better

Road 2: You’re an important customer and I can bring empathy and care to this moment to strengthen our relationship

Road 3: I can teach you something and make things better

Road 4: Go away

If you engage with customers, as a freelancer or as a public company CEO, pick your road. Be clear about what it’s worth and what it costs. And then do that.” –Seth Godin

Fall Back 2018

Fall Back

Remember to set your clocks back one hour, this Saturday night before bedtime.

This is the one where we GAIN an hour.


*Also, remember to:
– Install fresh batteries in smoke/gas detectors
– Turn and/or flip your mattresses


Do you live in a cold climate?

– Turn off your outdoor spigots (winterize)
– Reverse your ceiling fans to circulate heat (they should be running clockwise in the winter … and don’t worry, I’ll remind you to change them back in the Spring)

*As recommended by the product manufacturers

Impeccable Guidance

Customer Experience Tip #1619

When it comes to guiding your customers and clients on choices, it’s OK to share your own personal preferences and how those might be relevant to them … but … be careful not to overdo it. #ItsNotAboutYou

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1618

As soon as you discover that you’re not “singing from the same sheet of music” as the other party (i.e., misinterpreted e-mail communication), choose another “instrument” (i.e. the phone).

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1617

If you believe you might be late for a client meeting, demonstrate the courtesy and respect to give them ample notice … instead of causing yourself stress and speeding unsafely toward that meeting on nothing more than a hope & wish that you’ll make it there on time. #Transparency #Planning

Impeccable Telephoning

Customer Experience Tip #1616

Never cup your hand over the telephone mouthpiece when on the line with a customer. Either move the phone aside enough that the caller can hear you working for them, or ask their permission to be put on a brief hold. #Courtesy

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1615

“As more and more consumer-firm conversation moves online or to other text-based media, the importance of utilizing language properly is greater than ever.” –Harvard Business Review

Impeccable Loyalty

Customer Experience Tip #1614

Loyal long-term clients are noticing what you’re doing/offering to attract new clients. #SpreadTheLove #HonorTheirLoyalty

Impeccable Impressions

Customer Experience Tip #1613

If you’re telling a customer or client that you’re happy to assist them — in whatever positive phrasing you prefer — your body language (including your facial expression) must also reflect your willingness to serve. Without this word/body congruence, the other party will likely feel a lack of genuine commitment and support. #CantFakeIt