Impeccable Customer Service Tip #798
Can your customers and clients easily find the back story behind how your company came to be? People connect with people, and people have stories that demonstrate their humanness and relatability.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #798
Can your customers and clients easily find the back story behind how your company came to be? People connect with people, and people have stories that demonstrate their humanness and relatability.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #797
“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”
–Steve Jobs
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #796
Arming yourself with just the ultimate survey question is a little bit like carrying a “loaded weapon.” It can be dangerous, or even backfire. There are common pitfalls in everything from proper wording to prudent implementation to a thoughtful closed-loop customer process. Don’t go into this blindly. I’m here to help…
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #795
After any customer process improvement meeting, be sure to assign action items and internal ambassadors. And measure the effectiveness of your new ideas. “Stickiness” is everything.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #794
According to Gallup, providing advice/learning opportunities is a high-level client expectation that is powerful enough to turn prospects into advocates. Candidly, no other marketing effort has yielded me as many new clients as these Tips of the Day.
So, my questions to you is, “What are you waiting for? Can you provide your own tips of the day, or some other advice/learning opportunities for your customers and clients?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #793
Be fully present with your customers and clients. This means putting the cell phone away and out of sight during all interactions, transactions, meetings, etc. When you’re with clients, be WITH them. Keeping your phone in plain sight — and especially using it, or even glancing at it — sends the message that the person you’re WITH might take a “back seat” to something or someone else.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #792
“You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work”
–Laurie Mcintosh
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #791
When’s the last time you reviewed your client contract templates? Do they really need to be that long, and include so much legaleze? If you’re not in a regulated industry, take a look and see what you can do to shorten and simplify. It’s one way to bring a little relief to your clients.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #790
Few things will sour a longstanding customer relationship as quickly as indifference. Be sure that your customers are made to feel acknowledged and appreciated by everyone on your staff.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #789
Contrast provides clarity: Discover what your clients traditionally do not like about a process and change it for the better. If you don’t do this, you’ll leave your clients feeling and thinking, “I can’t be the only one that feels this way, so why has nothing been done to fix it?”