Impeccable Customer Service Tip #760
You can tell when someone is multitasking while on the phone with you. So can your clients. Whenever possible, focus on giving them your undivided attention.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #760
You can tell when someone is multitasking while on the phone with you. So can your clients. Whenever possible, focus on giving them your undivided attention.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #759
Occasionally, you’ll discover — together with your client — that you have a mutual acquaintance/friend/neighbor/colleague. Find something nice to say about that 3rd party. If you’re unable to find something nice to say, then you shouldn’t say anything.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #758
If you asked your team members, “What do you see as your #1 priority here?” would their answer relate to (or at least include, in some way) the customer experience?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #757
“Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.”
–Kevin Stirtz
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #756
Customer service has traditionally been thought of as a puzzle piece … Customer Experience is the whole puzzle; the whole journey; the most thoughtful and sensible route to sustainable profitability in 2015 and beyond.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #755
Stop taking yourself so seriously. Your customers need to see that you’re human. Lighten up. Remain professional, but let them see your lighter side as well.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #754
When meeting/engaging with clients, focus on being more interestED than interestING.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #753
Inconsistency is unsettling at best, and it’s been reported as a top reason companies see a decline in customer satisfaction ratings. What are you doing to create a predictable and consistent experience for your customers/clients?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #752
“In a complex world where time is precious and competition is fierce, companies have to be just as innovative with their customer service as they are with their products.”
–Steve Tobak
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #751
You might think the pinnacle of the customer journey is closing the sale. Actually, the pinnacle is providing such a remarkable experience for that customer that they end up contributing to your growth by becoming a cheerleader for you and your business.