Customer Experience Tip #1390
“Your best customers are your competition’s best prospects, and they are FAR too important for you to lose. Make retention your top marketing priority.”
–Ingar Grev
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #1390
“Your best customers are your competition’s best prospects, and they are FAR too important for you to lose. Make retention your top marketing priority.”
–Ingar Grev
Customer Experience Tip #1389
Plant a powerful seed by asking your most loyal clients this question: “If you had to introduce me to a friend – and tell them what you appreciate or respect about me (as your go-to product/service provider) – what would you say?”
(h/t to Myron Radio)
Customer Experience Tip #1388
Instead of e-mailing the message, “When’s a good time for our call?” offer up 3 time/date options. As a result, you will eliminate the typical back-and-forth, get a quicker response (even if none of your proposed times work), and remove the majority of the critical thinking from the other party … especially critical when that other party is your customer or client.
Customer Experience Tip #1387
Anyone can declare that they provide a superior customer experience as a competitive advantage. But your prospective customers and clients want proof of that. If they cannot find that proof online, then you’ll have to provide some compelling evidence in other creative ways.
Customer Experience Tip #1386
If you’ve done work for lots of customers, a negative online review is bound to show up eventually. Don’t let it get you down. As crazy as this may sound, it’s actually working in your favor by adding credibility … as long as you have plenty of positive reviews to prove to the world that you’re great to work with — prospects will likely conclude that, “That negative reviewer must have just been an anomaly.”
Customer Experience Tip #1385
“Spending time and resources gathering customer feedback is only a good investment if that feedback is used to improve service and drive organic growth. Simply taking a temperature of your customer’s experience (“How did we do on a scale of -10?”) or asking, “Would you recommend us?” will not give you the data you need to make improvements.” –Stratmor Group
Customer Experience Tip #1384
Are you servicing transactions or building relationships? It’s an important question. After all, your approach and mindset prepares the stage for you and for those you serve.
Customer Experience Tip #1383
Regardless of which department you serve inside of, you can choose to affect the customer experience in a positive way. Be the leader. Lead your own charge. Others will (eventually) follow. And then – when you make up the majority – the “misfits” will fall away.
Customer Experience Tip #1382
All companies have some — if not much — room for improvement. You’re never done. Remember, customer experience isn’t an initiative, it’s a quest.
Customer Experience Tip #1381
Word choice is key. Consider that every word you choose is either bringing you closer to your customer or pushing you further away. Choose wisely.