Impeccable Response

Customer Experience Tip #1101

Many companies see persistent customer complaints as nothing more than annoyances. World-class companies see those same complaints as opportunities to get better and differentiate themselves via their customer experience? Which response are you choosing?

Impeccable Loyalty

Customer Experience Tip #1100

“The more people you can make feel like they cannot live without your brand, the closer you are to making price irrelevant.”

John R. DiJulius III

Impeccable Listening

Customer Experience Tip #1099

Demonstrate a willingness to consider and even change your processes based on what your customers are telling you. Few things are as empowering to your customers than for them to see their own feedback affecting positive change.

Impeccable Approach

Customer Experience Tip #1098

What if your intention was to impact every customer – through your words, your actions, and your energy – in such a way that you lifted their mood. You have that power.

Impeccable Social Proof

Customer Experience Tip #1097

Would you like your most loyal clients to review you online. Just ask. They will more than likely oblige. They are – after all – your most loyal clients.

Impeccable Investment

Customer Experience Tip #1096

If you expect customer service excellence from your team, then you must be willing to provide them with the right tools for that job.

Impeccable Connections

Customer Experience Tip #1095

“At Disney, we have seen that the power of service lies in its ability to create an emotional connection rather than a purely rational connection – and emotional connections lead to economic outcomes.”

–Disney Institute

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1094

You mustn’t avoid social media. You must embrace it as another channel for customer engagement.

Impeccable Engagement

Customer Experience Tip #1093

Not sure how that customer is now feeling since your last interaction? When in doubt, pick up the phone and check in. Don’t e-mail. Call.

Impeccable Care

Customer Experience Tip #1092

You can be super smart and very technically skilled, but if your soft skills are lacking you won’t see the repeat and referral business that you probably feel you deserve. In other words, as John Maxwell puts it, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much care.”