Customer Experience Tip #881
After the sale, does the customer know where to turn when questions pop up or trouble arises? Hold their hand. They hold your future referrals.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #881
After the sale, does the customer know where to turn when questions pop up or trouble arises? Hold their hand. They hold your future referrals.
Customer Experience Tip #880
What’s your ratio of outgoing client phone calls-to-outgoing client e-mails? Loaded question, right? It may be interesting (and eye-opening) to track this at some point. Are you speaking with your clients often enough? Most of us could benefit from nudging the scale … even a tiny nudge.
Customer Experience Tip #879
“Loyalty owned and ruled by points and discounts is dead. Long live elevated loyalty strategies that focus on creating great relationships with customers.”
–Emily Collins, Forrester Research Analyst
Customer Experience Tip #878
Any employee within plain view and/or likely to cross paths with customers should not be wearing any type of music earbuds. It’s too likely to send the message, “I’m unapproachable and not interested in helping or speaking to anyone (not even my coworkers).”
Customer Experience Tip #877
It’s great to display your “away dates” on your e-mail auto-responder. It’s not so great to still have that auto-responder turned on after your return date.
Customer Experience Tip #876
Company uniforms = nice idea. Wrinkled, faded, tattered, torn, and/or stained company uniforms = terrible idea. Do you have a standard for this within your company? If you don’t, expect your staff to appear (in the eyes of your customers) inconsistent at best.
Customer Experience Tip #875
Once someone has registered online for your event, they shouldn’t continue receiving e-mail invitations. It’s confusing and will likely be perceived as a nuisance.
Customer Experience Tip #874
“As we serve, we strengthen and as we strengthen, we have more opportunities to serve; it’s a virtuous cycle that enriches our organization and our community.” –WSFS Bank
Customer Experience Tip #873
A company’s culture is apparent and influenced by its posted signs. Are your signs rule-based (policing) or are they customer-centric (friendly and helpful).
Customer Experience Tip #872
You’ll notice varying styles of e-mail communication from customers; varying degrees of formality. Being careful not to mirror anything that could be perceived as unprofessional, work to mirror and match the style of each customer. (Tip: you might start with the salutation and closing style.)