Customer Experience Tip #861
Is your phone number easy to find on (every page of) your website, or is it buried beneath layers and obstacles? Consider what you might be “saying” to your customers and prospects in either case.
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #861
Is your phone number easy to find on (every page of) your website, or is it buried beneath layers and obstacles? Consider what you might be “saying” to your customers and prospects in either case.
Customer Experience Tip #860
According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an auto crash than driving when intoxicated. So, consider the “message you are sending” your prospects, customers, (and your employees) by condoning this behavior. Regardless of whether your company name is on their vehicle, might you consider a company policy … or at least some conversation? And are you leading by example?
Customer Experience Tip #859
“We are at our best when creating enduring relationships and personal connections. When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our Customers, even if it is just for a few moments. It is about the human connection.”
–Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks
Customer Experience Tip #858
Never tell a customer, client, prospect (or patient) that your schedule, “doesn’t go out that far” when they’re interested enough to schedule an appointment with you. If that’s really true, then it’s probably time you find a new calendar software provider.
Customer Experience Tip #857
Do you believe your team feels safe enough and empowered enough to share their truth? What might you discover if an outside expert asked your people the following question: “If you were in charge here, what’s the first customer experience change/enhancement you’d make?”
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #856
Differentiate yourself by simply becoming known as someone who still welcomes good old-fashioned phone calls from customers … and then answer the phone when it rings.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #855
A mobile-friendly website won’t just boost your Google rankings, it will provide a rapidly-growing number of your prospects and customers with a more engaging and relevant experience of your brand. So, what are you waiting for?
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #854
“The only way to build a good company is one satisfied customer at a time. However, to build a great company, we must add one raving fan at a time. The difference is this … a satisfied customer will come back, but a raving fan not only comes back, but becomes part of your sales team. There’s a big difference!” –John Murphy
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #853
Sometimes it’s necessary to give our customers homework (even though they’ve never attended customer school). But, instead of sending customers off with too many instructions to possibly remember, consider offering them a brief checklist (paper or e-mailed) or text reminders.
Impeccable Customer Service Tip #852
You’ll never hear from most of your upset customers. That’s because they either don’t feel safe in sharing their truth, or they don’t believe their feedback will matter or make a difference.
Ask yourself: What can we do to encourage (and even reward) honest feedback from our customers … before they choose to defect and spread negative word-of-mouth?