Impeccable Approachability

Impeccable Customer Service Tip #325

Yes, your front-line folks may not love them in the traditional sense, but wearing professional-looking name tags can bring warmth and approachability to the customer experience. Take it a few steps further by including their role/title AND consider adding something fun or unique just below their name (i.e., country of origin, favorite hobby, dream destination, school, etc.). This may invite customer conversations and make everyone’s day a little more interesting and fun.


  1. Barbara Conn says

    Impeccable tip, Steve, particularly the suggestion to add a little something extra, providing a window to start a low-key conversation–who knows where that can lead?

  2. Thank you, Barbara. You’re right. The conversation could go places it might never go otherwise … or simply invite a conversation that might not otherwise exist at all.

  3. Here are some other considerations …

    Favorite Super Hero (from life, movies, books, comics, etc. This could be someone real or imagined) – A warm up exercise could be – Why did you chose this hero?

    A key word or phrase that defines you – For example – author, mother, father, coach, facilitator, analyst, etc. For me, I’d use “Dream Maker” – It’s the title from my last book… It defines what I do with my coaching clients… It speaks to serving others at the highest level.

    Favorite Business Tool

    Favorite Activity When You Were 10 – We use this in some of our workshops and do a report out… The big Ah Ha is – You ARE who you WERE when you were 10. Imagined if you brought that same energy to your work… etc.

    Greatest Learning

    Who had the greatest impact on your life?

    A key role you play in your work or in your life

    I could go on and on forever, but these should be enough to get us started. See what your post began Steve? Now I won’t be able to stop thinking about this all day.

  4. These are creative and fun, Myron. Thanks for sharing!

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