Impeccable Customer Service Tip #572
“Every client you keep, is one less that you need to find.”
-Nigel Sanders
Engineering the Customer Experience
“Every client you keep, is one less that you need to find.”
-Nigel Sanders
You can sometimes convince yourself that things have gone so sideways that you’ve ruined a customer relationship. Don’t let this become your self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, envision your positive outcome and communicate, communicate, communicate. More often than not, the relationship can be saved and may become even stronger as a result.
Build small touches into your products/process/service that simply communicate thoughtfulness. And deliver these small thoughtful touches consistently.
What if your company’s purpose was to be a hero for your customers and clients? Might that compel you and your team to deliver over-the-top service?
When a client asks you about a product or service that your firm does not offer, don’t leave them high and dry. Instead, be ready with a great referral for them and even the willingness to make a favorable introduction.
“Profit in business comes from repeat customers; customers that boast about your product and service, and that bring friends with them.”
-W. Edwards Deming
Ask your clients what they love most about their experience *as* your client. You may be surprised by what actually matters most to them.
When a customer shares a personal tidbit with you (birthday, baby on the way, anniversary, etc.), be present, pause, and acknowledge what they’ve shared with you before moving into any sort of traditional customer service or sales process.
Once you’ve established your company’s customer-centric values, work to have your people help define those values AND invite the sharing of “home-run” stories that will help illustrate those values.
“One of the hallmarks of a highly referred business is that they work as hard on fixing mistakes as on any other aspect of their business.”
-John Jantsch, Bestselling Author of The Referral Engine