Impeccable Flexibility

Customer Experience Tip #1412

As we approach the holiday season, we tend to encounter all kinds of customers who are experiencing all kinds of emotions. Some are anxious, some are sad, some are frantic, some are joyous … and some will appear more kind than usual. You’ll find yourself connecting quickly with those experiencing the same emotions as you. It’s up to you to be flexible and patient enough to engage with all the rest, too. After all, you never know what might be going on in their world.

Impeccable Perception

Customer Experience Tip #1411

Be extremely mindful of whom you are choosing to stand on the “front line” and represent your company. Remember, to the customer, that front-line person often IS the company

Impeccable Shift

Customer Experience Tip #1410

“The Web has helped usher in a shift from an organization-centric universe to a customer-centric one.” –Gerry McGovern

Impeccable Languaging

Customer Experience Tip #1409

When speaking of your significant other, instead of referring to them as wife/husband/partner/etc., use their name. (EX: “Over the weekend, Maggie and I were discussing…” vs. “Over the weekend, my wife and I were discussing…” — feel the difference?) To your clients and prospects, you will immediately feel more friendly and connected.

Impeccable E-mailing

Customer Experience Tip #1408

Be mindful of which logos/links you’re consistently placing in your e-mail signature block. Are those awards and accolades adding value for your customers … or is it an ego stroke; more about you than them?

Impeccable Partnership

Customer Experience Tip #1407

Dealing with upset customers is never fun. One effective way to stay ahead of complaints is to keep the relationship solid and strong by demonstrating partnership. Along their journey, your customers should be made to feel that you’re on their side; that you’re doing their critical thinking for them; that you’ve thought of everything — they should completely feel taken care of. Deliver this kind of experience and watch the complaining fizzle away.

Impeccable Responsiveness

Customer Experience Tip #1406

Become known for your quick response times on customer e-mails/texts/calls … by consistently delivering quick responses — even if it’s only to say, “I’m looking into that for you and expect to have an answer by ________.” Customers value speed and responsiveness and this can easily set you apart from your competition.

Impeccable Posture

Customer Experience Tip #1405

“I have to be kind, not nice. Being nice doesn’t support anything. Being kind means being real.”

–Bo Burlingham, Bestselling Author of Small Giants

Impeccable Communication

Customer Experience Tip #1404

You might use a unique language (industry terms, acronyms, slang) within your office. Remember to INSTEAD use “customer speak” … when speaking with customers.

Impeccable Environment

Customer Experience Tip #1403

How does your firm smell? (Strange question?) Enter many modern hotels and you’ll notice a pleasant piped-in aroma. Enter a model home and you might smell fresh-baked cookies (which they are hoping you’ll equate with “home,” by the way). Consider taking measures to be intentional enough about creating pleasant smells … or at least work to avoid the offensive ones.