Customer Experience Tip #987
You can disagree without being disagreeable. Instead of saying, “I think you’re wrong,” consider saying, “While I see your point, one could argue that…”
Engineering the Customer Experience
Customer Experience Tip #987
You can disagree without being disagreeable. Instead of saying, “I think you’re wrong,” consider saying, “While I see your point, one could argue that…”
Customer Experience Tip #986
There is a sea of information out there for your prospects and clients. Researching your industry, your product, or your service(s) can feel overwhelming to them. If you can be the one to curate it all for them (distilling large quantities of information into a handful of valuable nuggets), you’ll be placing yourself well ahead of your competition.
Customer Experience Tip #985
It’s great to be confident in what you do for your customers and clients. It’s not okay to allow that confidence to escalate into cockiness. People are attracted to confidence, but most find cockiness to be off-putting. You can be confident without appearing to be cocky or arrogant.
Customer Experience Tip #984
“What happens ‘backstage’ will end up ‘on-stage.’ If we aren’t friendly with each other … smiling and saying ‘good morning’ and things like that, then we’ll have a similar attitude toward our guests.”
–Van Arsdale France, Founder and Professor Emeritus, Disney Universities
Customer Experience Tip #983
There’s a lot of power in simply listening, especially when a customer is upset. Don’t interrupt, don’t be too quick to offer solutions, don’t make excuses, let go of any judgments against them, and certainly don’t get defensive. Just listen. Above all else, allow that customer to feel heard.
Customer Experience Tip #982
It’s not enough for you to demonstrate partnership with your customers and prospects. They should also sense that partnership exists between you and your team; your support staff; the team that is working for them. All for one!
Customer Experience Tip #981
Your customers want to feel connected with you throughout the process. If communication “goes dark” at any point, they’ll feel disconnected. A period of silence may feel like a small blip to you, but it’s unsettling to that customer. Stay connected, keep them in the loop, and check in often.
Customer Experience Tip #980
“Without great employees you can never have great customer service.”
–Richard F. Gerson
Customer Experience Tip #979
Active listening with customers is often triggered by asking them great questions. Be thoughtful with your questions and then listen with a genuine interest and curiosity.
Customer Experience Tip #978
When a customer complains about someone at your firm, resist any urge to affirm their perceptions about that individual. You can acknowledge their frustration over the situation and move into resolution without throwing your coworker under the bus. That only makes them, you, AND your firm look unprofessional.