How “Warm” is Your Company?

Do your clients want to do business with a person, place or thing?

In last month’s article, I included the phrase “… referrals are where it’s at!” A loyal reader replied to me with an e-mail that read, “Not that I’m knit-picking, but it should be ‘referrals are where it is!’ … Unless you are writing colloquially, which it appears to be the case.” Maybe that guy was onto something …

There are two schools of thought on the topic of business etiquette. One school tells us to remain completely professional at all times, while the other says, “C’mon man, loosen up a little!” Is it possible to be friendly and warm while remaining professional? Absolutely! Why is this important? Because by and large, “loosening up” (a.k.a. “warming up”) is becoming a requirement if you want to attract and retain more business.


4 Tips on Warming Up Your Brand

1. People do business with people they like AND people like people like themselves.
Who are your clients? Perhaps more important, what type of client do you want to attract? If your clientele is completely “buttoned up,” then the loosened up approach may not be the best. (This should only apply to a few of you.) The rest of us, however, are dealing with everyday people; people who want to deal with … everyday people. So how can you be perceived as more of a “real” person?

2. Be Accessible
In a recent video message, the wildly successful (and always-charismatic) wine expert and branding guru, Open Door Policy (Humorous)Gary Vaynerchuk, shared his insights on “consumer expectations” and advises that your clients want to know and feel that you are accessible.

Here’s an example we can all relate to: Just a few years ago, it was a big deal to have contact with your favorite author. Now, personal replies from famous writers are becoming the norm (I’m in touch with several). If your clients can reach out to their favorite author and receive a response, shouldn’t they be able to reach you? Gone are the days of burying your phone number and e-mail address in the basement of your [Read more…]

It’s All in the Details (Part 2 of 2)

What are the Details Saying About You? (Part 2 of 2)

4 ways to make details work for you — not against you.

In part one, we talked about taking notice of the details (large and small) that are ‘saying something‘ to people about you and your business. Some of these details are already working against you and you may not even be aware of what they are – I see it all the time. So, as promised, here are four ways to begin having the details work for you:

1. Walk Through Your Own Process as Your Client

Are you seeing what your clients see? Routinely, I’ll sit for several minutes in the “client” chair to see what I see. We spend so much time in our own chairs that we forget (or neglect) to take a look at our environment through the eyes of our clients, customers and guests. Can they see dust on your computer monitor? Will they touch gum, or get poked by [Read more…]